Saturday, December 31, 2011

December 31 - Recuperating from Chasing Redemption

Total - Pamela - 838 km,  John - 609 km
Dec 31 - Pamela 29 km, John 29 km
Dec 30 - Pamela 74 km, John  88 km
Dec 29 - Pamela 105 km, John 28 km
Dec 28 - Pamela 110km, John 51km 
Dec 27 - Pamela 130km, John 44km
Dec 26 - Pamela 96km,  John - 100km
Dec 25 - Pamela - 75km,  John - 75km
Dec 24 - Pamela and John - 164 km
Dec 23 - Pamela - 55 km,  John 30 km

Chasing Redemption is hard going, especially for someone with such a cheeky attitude.

So today, we decided to sleep in. Cocoa was also tired of getting up early and, for the first time ever, I had to make the bed around her!

MayorFixie, a fellow Ride Studio Cafe Denizen, agreed to ride out to the remote start and lead the planned ride from Framingham to Purgatory Chasm, after I came up with a long list of excuses for blowing it off.
  • well and truly redeemed already
  • one visit to Purgatory per week is enough
  • chain, tires, shorts (and legs) are worn out
  • car to transport bikes and bodies to remote start is out of gas
  • can't afford the food bill anymore
  • need a new size small Rapha Ladies Rain jacket, please!
But John and I decided to have one more go at finding Redemption a little closer to home. So we looked up our nearest Redemption Center on Google Maps and made our way there.

to discover that we really must be totally beyond redemption!

The week finished the way it began, a bit grey!

But we found our way to the mothership, otherwise known as Ride Studio Cafe, where MayorFixie reported that no one else showed any interest in Purgatory today.

And then feeling we really had earned it, John and I headed for Vicki Lee's

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