
Photo by Jason DeVarennes

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Rupit to Bagä



September 11, 2024 

Rupit to Bagä

Our second day on the road started at a lovely bakery in the center of Rupit. 

Then off to another climb

We stopped in Torelló at a grocery to pick up lunch supplies. This was one of many Catalan holidays and we had worried about finding anything open. The school kids were all out and about, but the grocery was open. We ate a bit here and carried more up to a scenic spot for the rest of our lunch. 

We'd had a mixture of relatively smooth gravel and chunkier stuff, but plenty of steep climbing. As I looked ahead I saw the final push into Bagä was marked blue, which was labeled remote. Given that we'd been in some pretty remote spots already with fairly rocky conditions, I began to wonder what remote meant. I also noticed it was a significant amount of elevation gain. We looked at alternatives on the map, and decided we could still take quiet paved roads into Bagä, and not face the unknown prospect of long hike-a-bike. 

Coffee stop in Alpens. John joked we were where the cereal is made. There seems to be a big music festival here, with lots of music themed sculptures.

We deviated from the official route in Borreda, and came upon this monastery in Sant Jau,e de Frontanya

And then we encounter a cow jam. Watch the video at the top of the post, with volume on!

Our deviation brought us in a a busier road, along a river, but we arrived in Bagä in good spirits. We wandered around town and found our hotel, where we enjoyed a great dinner and good sleep. 

The official route

Our deviation

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